tube ringing?

Hi folks, recently I replaced my Accuphase preamp with a CAT SL-1 Signature Mk III. My power amplifier is a Gruensch CSE II se and speakers are Soundlab A-1's. Speaker cable is Cardas Golden Cross. First I have to say that I hear a significant improvement over the Accuphase and I think it is a matter of pre/poweramp matching. The sound is quite good now but... with female voices for example Barbara Streisand I hear that the 600-800Hz region is emphasized. It reminds me of some ringing. Could this be ringing of the tubes inside the CAT? Or is it just room acoustics thing?

I think Newbee pretty much nailed it.
What may help, and I would experiment with it first, is a different speaker positioning. Play with speaker positioning a bit. May be you'll arrive at a final speaker location where you will minimize that sonic effect. Or you can research other tubes for this preamp
Dazzdax I took Newbee's and Audphile 1's advice and changed tubes in the pre and that was where the bulk of my problem was, Valvo ECC88 replaced by Amperex US PQ 6922. This changed the nature of the sound not just reducing a unnatural "Slightly thin sounding vocals with more air than body". Thank you both it was the proper diagnosis in my case!!!