Super! Glad you found the 'fit' you were seeking.
As much as 'half measures' are just half measures, it's really what's upstairs that counts in the end. What can and does float our boat or butter our bread completely.
I hesitated to use the last word in the above sentence as it makes for a more critical turn, but there does or should, come a point where we can be satisfied. Failing to achieve such an end points more to us than to the gear we own.
I resist chasing my tail routinely. it's getting much easier to do. Very good to great is where I'll stop. Acquiring one of those, "Can't be beat" rigs is pure manifest ego personified. A 'Can't be Beat' rig, simply can't be found.... in this world... it can however be found in ones mind. I tend to call that location, 'serenity'.
If a certain thing is desired, seek out that particular thing. if only the influence of that thing is sought, be OK with only it's influence. Knowing what I want seems more my issue as my percieved wants always exceed my preponderous needs.
I really wanted the tube sound for years but felt I could instill such a sound with only SS items, or with but a portion of tubes in house. it was a very frustrating time. In truth, as I've posted and asked numerous times on this site, I've wanted the SET sound without the SET prerequisites... give me SET sound with power and speed!
Good luck with that one by the way.
I just made up my mind to acquire the tube influence wholely, and have a rig which was not quite so genre restrictive as SET outfits are. Combining a tube pre and tube monos have satisfied both my wants and needs.
I guess it is as simple as this one question: How much chocolate do you really want... and just which kind?