Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers

I found this really good link regarding the differences:

I've heard some (who are much more knowledgeable than me) say that a tube amp and solid state amp which are rated at the same output power in practice will not drive a speaker to the same level, that in selecting amplifier power levels, you would get similar results from lower powered tube amps.

I thought it would be interesting to see what those who know much more about this subject would contribute to this discussion.
okay…dude you’re overly skeptical. Why don’t you audition a pair of AGD AUDION monoblocks to see what the fuss actually is? NO one amp or company is “best” but the enthusiasm from various listeners who were die-hard tube/SET lovers should tell you SOMETHING. Good Luck 
Many reasons why I wouldnt.  3 guys in 4 years is hardly what I would call a fuss/buzz.  Never even heard of this brand prior to the last month or so...and only here on Audiogon.

The OCD guy is your Distributor?? Seriously?? The Face of your brand/product is THAT guy? If the product is so outstanding REAL Audio Distributors would be lining up for a piece of the action. Every watch those YOUTUBE Vids??  The Amps are scratched to hell. Looks like somebody took some 240 Grit Sandpaper to them. Again...THATS how you want YOUR product to look that your trying to sell to the public??  Like the amps got in the middle of a Cat Fight?  Even unscratched those things are totally me anyway.  Hope he's got a Black option that doesnt show fingerprints/scratches.

  Whats the Resale value on these??  Think you can get 50% of your money back if you wanted to unload them?  I doubt it.  If Im gonna buy a Ultra Boutique brand I would stick to something like Bakoon. At least the downside is limited to around 20-25% when flipping.
The tube vs SS debate is older than this forum! And it was worn out when it arrived here. Only thing you have to know is: Tubes rule!
Well if it isnt the super special retired at 40
 guy !!! Yay !!. Clearly you have too much time on your hands. You still have not learned to do a little background on someone before you go on bumping your gums into uncharted T and make a fool of yourself.
AGD chose me because this is a company of substance not façade. Truth and not charade. Same reason I chose AGD. It just so happened they represent the most cutting edge amplifier technology in this industry. While AGD values cosmetic as art, and decided to create the physical embodiment of their circuits within functional sculpture is something that clearly exists in the strata above your melon. (Melone in Italian) People who are passionate about music do not consider anything visual when critiquing how good music sounds. Its why the worlds Artists can look however they want. Something called freedom of expression. Clearly you feel threatened by this so you blindly lash out against it. Art freaks you out because you dont understand it. So what does your super special retired at 40 rhetoric get you here ? Jack Stool. You just missed out on what very well may be the highest performing amplifier yet experienced in HiFi. You let your unfounded, premature judgement of someone you do not know blind you. Very irresponsible and completely passe. Its Anger Management circa 1987. I can tell you right now AGD is not a brand for you. Our switching speed is too high. We have no compatible resonance. McIntosh is your amp. Its got great resale value and everybody knows what it is, right ? Yes. People that understand AGD dont require an exit clause, we know its staying. We knew it 5 minutes into listening. Parting words of wisdom to the guy in early retirement trying to understand HiFi.
The best products in this industry are the ones you’ve never heard of. By the time they become so popular, everyone knows them, its too late . The company has been sold to bankers and the product has had the soul bled from it.

If sticking a candle in the middle of an ashtray can be considered art then your spot on.

  I dont buy ANY gear regardless of how it sounds (Amp or Speaker) if I dont like the appearance as well. Not alone in that category.
   Sorry but if I owned SAKS on 5th avenue I wouldnt hire Oscar Madison to be the Clerk behind the Louis Vuitton counter.
   No anger here. Nothing to be angry about. Just observation. Cutting edge?? Product is already 4-5 years old.

   I dont own any Mcintosh gear and I havent since my very 1st and learn.