Secondly, how can low powered tube amps sound so much better with some speakers that have amp recommendations much higher? Very few tubes get over 100 watts, yet are very prevalent even on some inefficient speakers. Any thoughts? Just trying to learn more.
Atmasphere explained this quite clearly in his post above. Did you miss it?
it's the distortion characteristic of tubes amps - when they're overdriven a little the distortion is more pleasing to the ear than a s.s amp that is overdriven the same amount.
I know tubes have there own characteristics, but besides that, from a power standpoint, would it be better to go to KT120s to get more power to my speakers? Would the difference in wattage moving from EL34s to KT120s (15 watts increase in ultra linear, 5 watt increase in triode), be beneficial or even perceptible to my ears? Would this be better for the performance of the speaker, or at least the health of the speaker?
in the end it really depends on what kind of sonics you prefer.
Tube amps using ultra-linear mode of operation use a lot of global negative feedback to generate a higher wattage. These sort of amps have a very robust sound & trend to sound more like s.s. amps. And, behaviour-wise they also behave like constant-voltage sources (which most s.s. amps can be characterized). I've found that ultra-linear tube amps had more bass punch but their mids & highs do not have the delicacy that is often associated with tubes.
Operating an EL34 in triode mode would be operating this tube in as linear a mode as is possible. Remember the EL34 is a pentode tube but in triode mode it operates like a tube with 3 units (sorry I could not think of a better word at this time!) - anode, cathode & 1 screen. You get much less wattage (as you have stated) but you get a beautiful tube sound that trends towards the type you hear from more traditional triode tubes such as 300B, 2A3, PX25, etc. At one point in time i used to own an AES Sixpac that had 6 EL34 per chassis & output 60W/ch in triode mode. It was a very addictive & beautiful sound. That amp drove my then-speakers with plenty of power - didnt have the bombastic bass of a s.s. amp but i did not care as I got much more from that amp that compensated for a less bass response. When I changed my speakers that amp had to go. Personally, I'd go for linearity hence triode mode. But like I wrote before - you might like you music delivered differently.....