tubed preamp off and ss amp left on?

Why can't I leave my my ss amp turned on with the tubed preamp turned off? Loud hum occurs through speakers with this condition. When I had a ss preamp I could leave the amp powered all the time with the pre off. I would leave all powered up but concerned about the preamp tubes wearing prematurely. Is it a reasonable conclusion that I could leave everything powered on all the time and just change the tubes once per year?
Do you still have the hum when the preamp is disconnected entirely (with no cable attached to the amp inputs)? Are the pre and power-amps connected to the same outlet ? Just ruling out possible sources of ground loops.

also how old is the amp ? If it's old it could be failing power supply capacitors ? Just a wild guess.

The low frequency hum is almost certainly mains frequency (60Hz), so it's either coming through the amp's power supply, or via poor grounding somewhere.
Thanks. I will try disconnecting the preamp at the amp's inputs tomorrow as Mang53 suggested and see what happens. I hadn't thought of that. The amp is pretty new so I doubt it is the ps caps. I think I have had both pre and power pc's connected to the same dedicated outlet at some point but are on different dedicated outlets currently. No cable or sat. tv connected. Will post back tomorrow evening. Thanks again.
Progress maybe. I disconnected the preamp at the amps inputs and the strangest thing happened. The left channel was silent yet the right channel had the same hum and at the same level. I then plugged the interconnects back in and the hum returned to both channels. What could be happening and what is my next logical step? I have some more speaker cables that I can try, so I think I will start there. Your help in troubleshooting is most appreciated. This is a great forum.

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