Tubed preamp with Krell KSA 150 amp?

I am planning on selling my Audio Research LS3b (ss) pre and trying a tubed pre, possibly a BAT, Aesthetix,modwright, etc.
Any input would be appreciated...I have heard/read that some of the Krell amps need to be tweaked (dc?) to be compatible with a tubed pre.
An ARC REF3 will sound spectacular with your Krell amp. That is what I'm running now.
Thanks for the above input all...
I was hoping that someone has some direct experience with using tubes with the Krell, as I wrote in my previous post, I understand that there might be a compatibility issue.
I have used a tube preamp (Audioprism Mantissa) with the Krell Ksa-250 a few years back......outstanding sound.

(DC leak?).....depends on the preamp? Older BAT preamps are known to give the old Krells problems (DC) a search.

a bit out of my price range...but I'm sure that it would. Did you have any issues mating tubes with your krell 250's?