
Any thoughts on Genalex Gold Lion, gold pin reissue 12AX7 & 12AT7 tubes for Jolida JD-1000BRC?
Look at Amperex circa 11958 at Vintage Tube Services or Brent Jesse they will blow the reissues away.Good luck though!!
I would not think twice, they are the best of the 12AX7 reissues. I have them in my pre-amp. I also really like the Mullard 12AX7 reissues.  

@dill, looking for input on all. I couldn't edit once commented on but I welcome any and all shared info
I have had and am having great luck with the Genalex Gold Lions.  I'm using Cryoset (cryogenically treated) 12AU7s in my line stage and a Cryoset Gold Lion GZ34 as the rectifier in my SACD outboard power supply.  They sound great and they last.😀