Tubes to solid state for amplifier path...

If the Summers get too hot for your main tube rigs, what is your relief for those humid hot days when you want tunes? Do you have a solid state cool alternative?

Would Class A be 'out of one frying pan and into another' in terms of heat generation during extended listening periods?

I have not owned a class A solid state before. Nor have I spent any significant amount of time in front of one.

Any suggestions/thoughts?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjames1969
Radrog, I sincerely believe you, I finally had the chance of auditioning a Class A integrated amp, and WOW was it HOT! Class A can serve double duty for cooking or heating for sure.
I sold my Pass X250.5 and bought a pair of Channel Islands D-200 mono's. I don't notice any difference in the sound. I do notice a difference in my electric bill, and how cool they run in the summer.
I owned a TAD60 in Houston , TX. Never had an issue. Have since gone back to SS for other reasons.
I was kidding. I have Krell FPB350MCX Mono blocks. They are biased and do not run that hot. Besides all the top line stuff is class "A". I would not even consider a Class a/b or b.