tuner better than turntable ? thread.

Hi,I started that thread a few months ago, and had said the top turners sound better than top turntables.

Well, I have to clarify, tuners like the Dynalab 108 and 109
in their stock form are very good but not as good as the best tables, but

a modified tuner with teflon coupling caps will actually
exceed the table, In my opinion.

I did not know that the my friends tuner had been modified.

I didn't realize till another friend bought a 108 and it didn't sound any where near as good as my friends 109 so
I asked him why, and my (jerk)friend just told me about the
teflon caps he had installed. Dooooooow

The modified tuner is about 30-40% better! than the stock
It was more extended and way more transparent!

By the way, teflon caps are expensive $40 to $200 ea., depending on values but if you have a vacuum tube preamp or tube power amp, you can upgrade your
audio equipment to a new level without selling your pieces.

It will transform your unit with extension especially top end, and with transparency that will amaze.

Just make sure you substitute the coupling cap with same value (uf) and voltage rating.

Their seems to no concept of band width in the starting OP. FM only has so much room to put the audio signal through. Its been a while but I remember that it is done mainly in two ways. First is the frequency cut off of 15K HZ which depending on how that filtering is done might not be that bad by it self. But we know that vinyl can go way beyond 15K.

The second way to "fit" the audio signal is to limit the amplitude of the signal, i.e. limit the dynamics. Now vinyl does that too but FM does it much more - it must to fit into the FM standard.

FM is a more "processed" format no matter how good the audio starts out.

That's not to say that way too much vinyl isn't overly processed some where in the chain, it is, but the format at its best allows for more than FM. I think a lot of material has ben produced "radio ready" (and now CD ready) and that's what you get on the vinyl product, not good.

FM is designed to be at a disadvantage to vinyl in two important ways.

Ghostrider45 I believe your correct!

I've been an audiophile for about 30yrs and when the wind is blowing in the right direction, I can hear up to 17Khz.
I was tested many years ago, even now I'm not sure???
and it's my opinion you can get most of the music within the 15khz.
Remember, I would prefer to listen to a resisticed hi-end system that expands to only 10 or 12k, than listen to 20khz
of lowfi distortion and junk.

I believe you understand what what I'm trying to say....
Hi Wendell;

I agree, Vynal playback can be very dynamic, especially with a dynamic system like my friends and I have, tri-biamplified with hi-effecincy drivers, and good vynal records!!!

But brother, do not assume for even a second that the tuner is not dynamic, it is the tuners greatest strength over vynal,
the dynamics is awsome, the output level and signal voltages
seems to be very large compared to vynal.

if this is not true in your system, well is not the tuners fault. Look at other areas.
I'm talking about top hiend tuners like the dynalab 108T and 109T.
but with teflon coupling cap modifications.

I would also say again, the stock tuners are not as good as our
vynal rigs.
Hi Hifitime;

The teflon coupling caps seem to allow more high frequencies with more volume so, I'm confused about what your saying about blocking out high frequencies?

I'm blessed to live in the greater toronto area where there are many great high quality radio signals/stations.

But your right about me not knowing what is going on and not being aware of it!!

I only know what I hear, and my friends confirm it also.

Thanks for the report card :>(

You have expericed the opposite of what I'm saying???

Tell us what you have or have heard and what your experience
is ???