To each his own! No disrespect to all the vinyl lovers.If one cant afford a solid granite slab with a floating table..20k stili and cartridge..cda is the choice.
cda, no static, no wear, can last for many years and good quality discs a life time.I have to say my rotel RDD 980 with the philips cdm9 floating laser mechanism and a pcb full of the best audio components sounds better than any turntable i have heard.the 980 is many years old and had one service in its life, solder the complete pcb...good for another 20..when i hit 80 it many need a touch up or a cap of 3...
cda, no static, no wear, can last for many years and good quality discs a life time.I have to say my rotel RDD 980 with the philips cdm9 floating laser mechanism and a pcb full of the best audio components sounds better than any turntable i have heard.the 980 is many years old and had one service in its life, solder the complete pcb...good for another 20..when i hit 80 it many need a touch up or a cap of 3...