Just an additional follow up -- I’m really enjoying this setup now. It sounds absolutely wonderful - engaging, organic, full-bodied, liquid. Good depth to the image. Very smooth. VERY low listening fatigue. All the things I like. Absolutely fantastic Tannoy Prestige sound from these Glenair 10s. Soundstage and low bass performance are a bit constrained by this small room, as to be expected. Nothing that jostles me out of the music, though.
I’ve played really quite loud now with absolutely NO sign of strain from the amps. Footfalls are incredibly well damped -- even at these volume levels (with needle resting still in the groove) there is hardly any audible & visible feedback through the speakers now.
I normally relegate digital sources to my headphone setups (of which I have quite nice ones, especially the Stax based ones), but as a "sanity check" I occasionally pull some digital source out to a Tannoy rig. I did this last night -- the digital rig on hand was nothing special, but serviceable: Questyle CAS192D DAC, Audiophilleo 1 w/ PurePower USB converter, Sony NW-WM1A DAP with 1TB of lossless FLACs and high res USB output dock (streaming via Node 2i sounds significantly worse than this DAP). It sounds OK but even in this room, with all its energy problems, the vinyl setup absolutely CURB STOMPS this digital rig for enjoyment factor. Not even close. This happens almost every time I try to compare digital to vinyl. No, it’s not at all a fair $ to $ source comparison but I don’t really care as the majority of my music collection is on vinyl :)