Turntable Placement Between Speakers with Short Interconnect?

I am considering purchasing a VPI Prime 21 Plus turntable, but I am uncertain where it will live. I have only two options: On a solid heavy wood stand between my 803 D2 B&W speakers along with my Gryphon Diablo 300 amp, with a 2 ft interconnect, or 3 ft to the right of my right speaker, with a 8ft interconnect.

I hear that it is bad to place turntables between the speakers, but I also hear that long interconnects are bad. Are either of my options acceptable? Of note, my Gryphon amp has a phono module installed in it.

I do have the option to install a wall stand for the turntable in either location, but obviously it would then place the turntable against the wall behind my speakers…. which may be bad? Looking for any advice!

I should also say I only listen at moderate volumes.


From my experience I know that even line level interconnects sound vastly inferior if too long…. 

That’s why IF my center placed turntable has an issue with that location and needed to be moved off to one side and further away, I will be using an XLR interconnect that will be needed to connect the phono stage to my amp’s balanced inputs.

If you are planning to introduce an outboard standalone phono stage, as your last post suggests, then it too should be a balanced circuit internally, if you want to take advantage of a balanced connection to your amplifiers.  Using XLR-terminated cables alone, vs RCA, will not help much.

Understood, thanks.  I think a few I looked at appear to support balanced connections.  One of them is the Linn Uphorik.  I will ideally be testing a few to see which sounds best to me in my system.

Read the fine print. Many companies convey the suggestion that their circuit is balanced, when it ain’t necessarily so. XLR connectors do not necessarily indicate a balanced circuit inside. On the other hand, balanced is not necessary for your purposes. Nice to have but you can live without.

Dear @nyev  : Each one of us room/system is way different and performs different too.

I don't read in the posts and you don't mentioned nothing about your room treatment if any.

Room treatment is critical an even the more important link in any audio system and one target in that room system is try to " tame " " perfectly the room bass system that's the frequency range that defines the overall system quality level performance. You have first than all take care on that issue.


" I should also say I only listen at moderate volumes. "


My TTs are between my subs/speakers and any one can " comes " to listen it say at 90db SPL and no one could detect any problem by the " air borne " or other trouble coming from the subs/speakers.


So, after take care on the room treatment issue go a head with what you have and put the TT in between the speakers. Rigth now you are distressing for nothing, stay calm and go a head.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
