Turntable Purchase Suggestion

I am going to add an analog front end. I have Bat 50se Pre and 75se amp driving Mezzo Utopia speakers. I cannot compare a variety of tables/arms. I have heard a Spacedeck only, but without comparisons, how am I supposed to know. Here are the suggestions I have had thusfar: Spacedeck w/spacearm.....Scoutmaster w/JWM arm.....Basis 2001 w/Vector arm.....Rega P-9 w/Rega1000 arm. Is there actually a best one or perhaps some other? I am trying to get the best sound (organic, focused, clean, dimensional, and smoth top end with solid bottom end) while spending no more than $8000. Phonostage suggestions include: BAT P10, Whest (double box version), Ayre and Brinkman.
Brand new SME arms (M2 and 309 and M2-12 and 312) can be ordered brand new from UK for 1175 and 1600 (12" versions; 9" less expensive) from Vantage Audio inc shipping. That is a LOT less than here in USA. Of course, you won't have a dealer to install your arm and cartridge as part of the deal.

I am ordering one of the two SME arms shortly for 855 delivered from Hong Kong; that is even less than from UK.
I second the rec of the Scheu Premier II. I purchased one with the dual arm plinth and 80mm platter. It was about 2000 inc shipping. This is less expensive than any Teres (non kit) by far. Having said that I would prefer a Teres 245 but cannot justify the additional money over the Scheu.
I've got the Scheu Premier MK 2 and I highly recommend it. I have the Moerch UP4 arm (a good match for this table). Don't know much about TERES . I'm sure you'll be happy with either one.
I recently learned that Thomas Scheu killed himself a few months ago R. I. P. I heard the company will continue on, but I'm not sure what the current procedure is to order one of the Scheu tables.
Same as always; send an email to Scheu and Dr Feickert will answer your questions. The prices seem somewhat flexible is my experience. Not much but somewhat. I had to use a bank wire transfer to effect the purchase as they do not accept Paypal and they are in Germany.