Turntable recommendations

Looking to upgrade my Marantz tt51 built by clear audio. Thought I have been very happy with it other than the cartridge getting bent. Which I replaced with a Soundsmith Mimic Star. I am looking to make my final tt purchase and want to make sure I get a significant upgrade to justify the money spent. $ range 4-9000 ish inc to earn. I know it’s a big spread, and prefer not spend more than I need to to make my final jump, though I don’t want to box myself in at a too low of price point and I really want to be satisfied. My current gear, primaLuna hp premium integrated amp, focal Electra 1028 Be, Luxman D-n150., soundsmith mk II phono stage. It wasn’t until I added the CD player in almost Gave up on cd’s made me realize I believe there could be improvement on tt. Any help would be appreciated. Anyone know about Vertere? 
My last 10 years - VPI Scout II with Trans Fi Terminator arm with all upgrades I was one of the first users - VPI Prime for a short time - Technics SL1200G and GAE kept the GAE as a collector item but very good sound - SME 10 with M2 Arm and 2nd arm Triplanar V11 SE Carbon - Now and finally settled Dr Feickert Blackbird which you could use any of the new Jelco arms and add another arm later, I have the 850M in the back with a Thales Simplicity II on the front, in your budget I would recommend the Jelco and get the SBooster power supply for the table
Origin live TT with an Origin Live tonearm,Acoustic Solid TT with an Origin Live tonearm,Lyra Kleos cartridge,Shelter 9000 cartridge.
For those of us that switched to an Idler Drive TT, there's no going back. Lenco, Thorens, etc.