Dertonam et al,
Another problem I have seen many many times is caused by armboards that are not perfectly level and referenced to the platter resulting in vertical bearings off level and the arm running uphill or downhill. Antiskate has been used to compensate for this incorrectly. How many people run a dial gauge over the platter and armboard to check the allignment - a simple and worthwhile exercise before mounting arms. Any TT with a wooden armboard is a nightmare in this respect.
Another problem I have seen many many times is caused by armboards that are not perfectly level and referenced to the platter resulting in vertical bearings off level and the arm running uphill or downhill. Antiskate has been used to compensate for this incorrectly. How many people run a dial gauge over the platter and armboard to check the allignment - a simple and worthwhile exercise before mounting arms. Any TT with a wooden armboard is a nightmare in this respect.