Tyler Acoustics, Linbrooks vs.addison line ? Good

Hey guys does anyone know anything about the Addison line from Tyler? I see Many good things about the linbrook monitors but I am looking for a Good full range speaker that has authoritative bass and big soundstage. the linbrook monitors are Pretty pricey and I see they use a more exotic driver than the Addisons. Do they even compare or are they a totally different speaker? Tyler does not tell you too much on their site about these beasts except that you can tell their big and A fair price. Also, If anyone knows the Efficiency of the A212's please let me know. And If anyone can give me comparable Speakers to the Addisons from other manufactures I would Appreciate it. THANKS!! p.s. I am looking at the silverline audio and Legacy stuff as well are The Tylers A better value and Sound overall?

I can't answer any of your questions as I have not heard the Addison line, but I am currently paying off a pair of 7Us and I would recommend you just call and talk to Ty. He is a good guy, no pressure on sales and can answer your questions himself.

Good luck.

Call Ty at the phone number listed on his website. He is a straight-up guy and will answer your questions without pressure to spend more than your budget.

BTW, I own Tyler Taylo Reference monitors........


Okay, I can tell you this. (I do own a pair of Taylo Reference Monitors so yes, I am partial) However, when comparing the Tyler products to the Legacy please tread lightly as IMHO there is no comparison. The drivers used alone in the Tyler's versus the Legacy is reason alone to choose the Tyler's. Let's don't even start talking about what is inside of each speaker.

Now I have heard a pair of the Silverline's and they were very nice. I would see if TY would be up to a in home demo of some sort with a pending purchase. That is really the only way to tell. But if I had to pick blindly, I would go with the Tylers or the Silverlines.
