Ultimate DVD player...

I am looking for a DVD player that can play CDs better than a Classe CDP-.3?
Any suggestions anyone? Anyone?
I am looking at:

MUSE MODEL 9 Signature

The player must play DVDs, MP3 endoded CDs, CD-R, CD-RW.
It must also have balanced outputs!

I like the DV-50 the best too. I am worried about dealing with TEAC regarding customer service issues. I ordered one and it was damaged, and TEAC has not been friendly to deal with at all. Therefore I have been considering alternatives. I have compared it to the ARCAM, and the ARCAM falls a little short [but it is much cheaper too].
Sorry to hear about the problems with Teac, as mine is on it's way at the moment. I'm looking into the DV-50s, but need to wait for the guy @ Teac who handles these to come back from vacation (Monday) I'll post again once I speak to him.

If it is coming soon, I'll hold on buying one for the DVI output, if their will be an upgrade, I'll likely take it now and wait.
Muse is very very good. However, you will need to get 4th generation to play all the formats you require.
FWIW I spoke with TEAC, the DV-50s will be available as an upgrade for the DV-50 when it comes out. It just hit the market in Japan and and they are trying to figure out how to impliment it into the American unit now.
Yeah the Ayre is meant to be very good for music. It's all modular though so it'll cost you quite a lot.