01-19-07: Jeffreybehr "... but the 'sound' part I disagree with strongly."
preference in sound is 100% subjective and as such rather stupid basis for an argument.
"That's why virtually no Single-Ended Triode amp is made with KT88s or 6550s or EL34s or any other P/T."
Really? I happen to own a SE ASL KT88 triode and an acquaintance owns a Art Audio Gill Signature. I guess those two are anomalies? Or perhaps you are the one generalizing?
"The VAST majority of builders and buyers of SETs build and buy them equipped with real triodes such as 45s, 2A3s, 300Bs, 845s, or 805s*.
The vast majority of builders and buyers build and listen to transistor amps. Doesn't mean that's to everybody's taste, does it?
"Probably most push/pull triode amps are designed with P/Ts for some reason."
Wow, really? Funny, I own a SE 6550 Audionote wired in tetrode mode which sound just great. Should we call Peter Qvortrup and tell him he is a dummy for designing such an amp?
I must have build about 20 tube power amps and there is nothing that makes a triode more (or less) suitable for a SE application than a tetrode or pentode.
[Most audio critics/audiophiles prefer pentode and tetrode tubes wired as triodes]
"Really? My understanding is just the opposite."
Just about every review of an amp with a triode vs. ultraliniar switch, the reviewer has always preferred triode mode. You should try read some reviews.
I believe that triodes get the harmonics of the music better than do P/Ts
LOL, they get it better, do they? Yep, I am out of my league attempting to argue with my limited knowledge.
"I'm now on my 2nd pair of mono SETs, this time with high-sensitivity speakers, DIY open-baffle linearrays, and I have NO plans to ever consider going back to tubed amps using P/Ts.
Bully for you.
"The typical output power of these class-A triodes used in SETs approximate ... blah blah"
FYI , it is somewhat redundant to say class-A triodes used in SETs as any SE amp has to run class A. Also, there is no such thing as a class A triode. Class A refers to how the tube is used. Any triode can be wired in class A or class B. Thought I'd let you know.