
Yamaha really made this statement:

Glossy black piano finish provides improved signal-to-noise performance



I thought I would seek opportunity to hear these speakers, but now I do not think so






Correction: Movie -  Breaking Away (not the breakaway) "Sabatoge Italian Style"                    I forgot to take my ginkgo biloba today.
Those who can swallow this kind of nonsense from Yamaha marketing people can go and buy  Machina Dynamica's Teleportation Tweak, it ranks the same :)

On a totally unrelated subject, nitrocellulose finishes on guitars are sought after as opposed to poly finishes, and are preferred by some artists for the idea that they let the wood "breathe".  So some finishes can have certain characteristics attributed to them, but for a speaker where the cabinet is supposed to be sonically transparent, I think they're reaching a bit with their claims.