02-01-12: Kijanki
Their logic is a little fuzzy.
It makes me curious about how much some of these companies know about power grid, cords, and other products they make. Any electrical engineer knows about the risk.
Maybe this was brought to their attention, and they put the risk, warning part in the manual to help keep them from getting into trouble if they go into litigation. They can say the customer didn't take the warning serious.
That pin removal was, or still is a selling feature for them.
Those ground adapters are banned in Nova Scotia Canada.
Also, a college professor was electrocuted using one. So that shows it can happen. That's in the Wiki link. Link [http://www.gov.ns.ca/lae/electricalsafety/esbadapterplugs.asp]Wiki link [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheater_plug]