Same as the Sumiko at about half the price!
Same as the Sumiko at about half the price!
Universal headshell recommendations..... Same as the Sumiko at about half the price! |
Dear viridian: Perhaps the Orsonic headshell is inside the 3-4 worst headshells ever, resonant and non-damped one. If you like additional distortions then buy that Orsonic from chakster. Audio Technica had very good headshells especially the vintage ones ( you always can find on ebay. ) that were builded from magnesium where some of them comes with a rubber top plate as a damper other that the magnesium damping characteristics. If I remember one of them is the MG-10 and MS-12 and the like. Now, it does not matters which cartridge you own you have to have 2-3 different headshells with different build materials ( but a good self damped material. Not raw aluminum or steel. ) , different headshell weight and even different headshell shape and through a evaluation proccess decide in whixch headshell that cartridge performs with better quality. Here that evaluation proccess must be a proved proccess. Regards and enjoy the music, R. |
Dear chakster: "
If you want to follow Raul don't forget about 350 different sets of led wires to try ... " those led wires can do the difference inquality performance level in the overall frequency range. No, you don't need " 350 " sets but at least 3-4 different sets. chakster, years ago the Orsonic headshell motivated a dfriendly discussion trhough a thread and I remember that in those " old " times I already had first hand experiences to knew that that headshell is really a bad item to hold any cartridge. Well, one Agoner send to me an email asking that for a wild I stopped to talk how worst the headshell was because he owned a pair and wants to put on sale ( in Agon. ) because he falled down to the same conclusion: bad headshells. As I said, that was years ago and to me nothing changed about. Regards and enjoy the music, R. |