UNIverse Cu ,XV-1S,Shelter 9000 wt BATVkp10seSupe

I have a TNT6 with 12.6 arm. I am very happy with my Shelter 901 cartridge. I can run the BAT direct without utilizing the step up amp. I like that. The Zyx universe copper has a very low output and mass which would require the step up Amp and silver weight. The Dynavector will not require alteration in mass or the Step up. And how about the shelter 90x or 9000. They will mate well with output and mass. But is there a significant improvement over my 901? Now I really do love my current setup but would consider up grading if significant improvement could be had. What do you think? My music is JAZZ and Rock. Richard
I have the 90X with an LP 12/Ittok LV II. I listen to acoustic jazz 90%. I also have an Asthetix Rhea. I switched from the Benz line to the Shelter last spring. The 90X's claim to fame is the frequency extension. The reviews state that it combines the attributes of the 501/901 into one cartridge. I'm sure you already know that at the level you are improvements are generally incremental if at all. My dealer steered me away from the Zyx line to the Shelter because I prefer warm/lush. I don't regret the decision.
Dear Richard: The 90X is a very good choice and an improvement in the quality sound reproduction over the 901.

The XV-1s is a very good cartridge too but has a different presentation than the 90X: it has a more natural/neutral balance and IMHO overall is a little better.

Both are great with your kind of music, my choice: XV-1s but you can't go wrong with either.

Btw, I understand that HW use the XV 1s like his reference in its own VPI products, this could means something, don't you think?

Regards and enjoy the music.
>>this could means something, don't you think?<<

It could mean there is a very close business relationship, don't you think?
Rauliruegas - You wrote "it has a more natural/neutral balance". If you have time I'd like to know if this means that you feel the XV-1 is a bit warmer in character or a bit less warm in character.
My dealer steered me away from the Zyx line to the Shelter because I prefer warm/lush.
Xagwell, if you asked your dealer for warm/lush, neither the Shelter 901 nor a ZYX was an appropriate recommendation. I own a 901 and I've owned multiple ZYX's. None of them is warm/lush. If you asked your dealer for warm/lush he should have recommended Grado, Benz, Koetsu, Allaerts, Miyabi, etc.

It's good that you enjoy what he recommended but you were misled about the sonics. I'd be inclined to ponder the possible reasons behind such a recommendation. One hopes ignorance played a larger role than willful misguidance based on some other motive.

FWIW, ZYX's aren't sold through dealers. They're sold direct by the US importer, with a discount that in effect lets the buyer keep a dealer's normal markup. For this reason, few dealers will recommend a ZYX (unless, like AudioFeil, they're more interested in being honest about what they hear than in making a sale).