unman M-900u for Focal Sopras 2 and 3

I'm driving a Focal Sopra 3 with PS Audio Monoblocks.  I want to switch to Luxman M-900u.  Is that amp strong enough to drive the Sopra 2 or 3?
I do think that the Luxman M900u has very promising sound qualities - - so much so that it gets me thinking about finding the right speakers to match it!  The TAD's are definitely not the right ones, probably more something along the lines of Sonus Fabers would be an outstanding match, I'm guessing.
To stay with the TAD's it would be interesting to try a powerful Pass Labs approach.
Surprising that you did not like the m900 with TAD. The reason I am buying the m900u is because of an audition I had with the m900u+c900u+Luxman DAC ($8K one) + TAD ME1. The best sound I have ever heard from my regular test tracks. I am just getting the m900u and will make the speakers fit the amp, that is how much I liked the amp.
I was surprised that they didn't like each other, too.  I don't know the ME1.  The CR-1's do need some work so they don't present too "light", IME, and this seems to be the issue with the Luxman pre + amp driving them.  The pre with my BHK mono's has a lot to offer (the pre clearly bests the BHK Sig preamp I had been using).  This weekend I get to start messing with an ARC Ref 40 preamp, and maybe this will synergize with the M900u - - that's my hope!  I really have heard a lot to like in both the C900u and the M900u, but with my CR-1's it seems to be "too much of a good thing".
@yyzsantabarbara did you audition that excellent collection of components in your own acoustic space?