upgrade transport or amps..advice please

In system consisting of mirage OM 6s, proceed AVP2, 5 marantz ma 500s,arcam alpha 8 cd player(used as transport) and pioneer elite 47 A (with TMC cabling) what would make the more significant difference to 2 channel music experience....upgrade of left and right Amps(budget max $1500-$2000 us ) or a levinson 37 transport which I could acquire for $2000 US in mint condition..if amps please give suggestions.... thanks for your thoughts
Nope. MLB changed the rules -- it takes four strikes. NOW the Marantz is gone. ;-)
Ditch the Marantz for an Audio Van Alstine stereo amp. Look here:
Absolutely can't be beat for the money. The FET Valve 350Ex will knock your socks off for $1750. Here's the info:

A high quality amp - the choice is really yours :-) - will certainly improve your system MUCH more than a transport change. I'm not saying all transports sound alike, but you've got a decent one and your amps aren't really up to snuff.

Good Luck!