Upgrading a CD/SACD player with integral DAC

I’ve described my system on site before and it was pointed out the CD/SACD player was the weak link in the system. I’m not in disagreement, and would like to start researching an upgrade that would be commensurate with the rest of the system.

Here is what I have at present:

Marantz SA 8005 CD player with integral DAC
VPI Classic 2 turntable with an Ortofon 2M Black cartridge
Luxman L507 uX Mk2 Integrated Amplifier
Magico A3 speakers
Hydra Denali 6000S Power Conditioner

I have only Redbook CD’s, no SACDs but it would be nice to retain that capability. It would also be nice to retain an integral DAC, although at a higher price point maybe you would advise on getting a separate DAC. I’d rather avoid doing that if possible, as that would mean having to add more cables that would detract from the overall budget. But let me know what you think on that score. I have no plans to add any other components, or to stream music, so that doesn’t need to enter the equation. I listen to mostly fifties jazz and Rock ’n Roll and R&B, among other things, if that is at all relevant. I want to buy new, and not Chinese manufactured products.

So what CD players would you recommend looking into that would be similar in quality to the rest of the system. And what if any sonic improvements might I look forward to with your recommended upgrade. I purposely did not mention price point as I don’t know what price point would put the CD player into the performance range of the rest of the system components. You were all were very helpful to me choosing the rest of the system components, especially the amp and speakers. So I’d appreciate, and am looking forward to your recommendations and guidance on this selection. If there’s any more information you need, please let me know. Thanks


The Luxman SACD players are all pretty good.  I have the D-08u in one system and the drive is really well made.  It does not do MQA if that is is important to you.  I am hearing that they will be making a change in the near future.  Maybe the DAC but also the drive since they are getting very expensive.
In a smaller system (more tube based) I have the Ayon CD35S which is still breaking in.  I like it as well.  At some point I will switch the two players to see how they handle different amps.
Dave, thanks for sharing your experience. Sorry you had difficulties getting your Arcam repaired. I’ve had difficulty getting repairs done correctly on more than one occasion, which leads me to not want to take a chance on used equipment, or anything that can’t be returned under warranty. I’ll look into the Schitt and Yamaha lines you mention. Since that was a deciding factior for you what advantage do you find using balanced outputs? That’s something else I need to look into. Thanks for your recommendations.

Gimmeroc, apprecate the good word on the Luxmans. I have been satisfied with their 507 uX Mk2 integrated amp and imagine their CD players have the same build quality. I’m not concerned about MQA since I’m not planning on doing any streaming, only putting a CD in the tray and pressing the play button.

Sebrof, you should know what too much computer usage leads to. Haven’t you seen any of the Terminator movies? CD’s are about as futuristic as I’d like to get.

Mike (living happily in the past without a cell phone even)

I have the Luxman D-05u and it bettered the Bryston BCD-3.  The current line-up includes -06u and -08u.  New models just being released will be D-03x and D-10x, not sure if anything in between.

OP: got mine from Audio Exchange in Richmond, and while I was there (a while ago) they also had a Marantz Ruby.  Worth a phone call if nothing else?

Thanks for the heads up on the Audio Exchange having both the Luxman D-05u and Ruby. Maybe I'll take a drive up there to give them both a listen if they still do. It's a good three hour haul to get there but worth the effort.  Did you happen to do a comparative listen when you got your Luxman? And how do you like your D-o5u? 

@skyscraper  It was a while ago, so definitely call before jumping in the car.  I was pretty set on a Luxman, so I didn't do a comparison, but now I wish I had, just so I could comment.  Who knows what A.E. have in stock these days--they may even have the new Luxmans in.

I'm very happy with the D-05u.  I have the Bryston in my second system, where it's entirely at home.  I prefer a slightly forgiving (rather than in-your-face) presentation, and the Bryston's absolute neutrality is tempered by the other components and the room's acoustic.  In the big rig the Luxman gives me just what I'm looking for--all the usual audiophile virtues, with just a hint of warmth.