Upgrading from a Classe CDP 300 and SSP 600

I am upgrading my CDP 300 and SSP 600 and have not purchased equipment in some time so I am looking for a little advice. I have :

- Roland 102 amp in the rear, 201s in the front
- Vandersteen quattros, V2W, 2WQ, VSM signature, VCC5 signature
- Separate 2 channel portion controlled by a synergy and the future purchase of a qb-9 Ayre

I was thinking of an Oppo 95 and Integra 80.3 as I don't want to dump another load of cash into equipment that is quickly obsolete.

Any advice is welcome!
Oppo 83SE with the Sabre DACs would be an upgrade if you were to use analog out to processor.

The DHC-80.3 is an upgrade, the Classe SSP-800 way above it of course.

I would give my DHC-80.3 for an SSP-800 anyday if someone would swallow the 6k difference for me:)
Thanks for everyone's input!!

Mexmo - you and I appear to have the same taste in audio equipment! Love it.

Still not sure the route I want to take. Oppo 95 is on the way. Will run this for a while then decide on the processor.
So, I bit the bullet today and got the Integra 80.3, paired with the Oppo 95. The sound and picture is FANTASTIC. This is my first experience with Blu Ray. I appreciate all the advice from Kal and everyone. I am really going to enjoy this set up! Especially considering I spent $4K versus the $13K I spent 5 years ago!