Upgrading - Pls Suggest Speakers to Review

I have been reviewing speakers for my system that consists of the following:

SME 30/Graham Phantom/Koetsu RSP
Manley Steelhead
Reimyo CDP-777
Jeff Rowland Synergy IIi/302
Synergistic Cables
Revel Studio
Music tastes are primarily acoustic jazz and vocals of various types
Room size is 23 x 18

So far I have heard:

- Wilson Maxx II and WP7 - Too dry for my musical tastes
- Avalon Vision/Diamond - Nice, but not sure if they would work well with solid state, though
- Wilson Benesch Chimera - Nice, but a little "light" and thin sounding in my system,
- Sonus Faber - New Amati and Stradivari - Very musical; good speaker; Amati did not have enough low end though
- Piega C-10 ltd - Better than I had expected
- JM Labs Utopia Be (can't remember the model) : hard to tell as the room was awful

Question to all:

What other speakers should I audition/am I missing? I've owned a variety of planar speakers in the past and am not sure I want to go back there based on sheer size/width. Others that I would like to review so far include:

Von Schweikert VR-7SE
Line arrays of some type

All input is most appreciated

The Wisdom hi-freqs are not that extended.The speaker is better on transients,then on decay-thus more instrument and less acoutic cues.IMHO.If Talon-check out the Raptor.
Eggleston Andra II's or Savoys sound great with Jazz. They need power though.
I'd second the Legacy Whispers suggestion - great for all types of music, especially jazz and vocals.
Have you thought about Tyler Acoustics? Great speakers at any price, but a fantastic bargain at what he charges. Very nice guy to deal with also. You can check his site, to see if there is anyone in your area who owns them. Owners sign up to do home demos. Nice guy too. My two cents.