Upgrading Speaker Cables: Wireworld Silver Eclipse or Transparent Audio Ultra?

More than 15 years ago, I bought a set of speaker cables to accompany my then brand new Revel Ultima Studios and Krell FPB amplifiers.  While I continue to adore the sound of my system, I know there have been a lot of advancements in cable technology this century.  Consequently, I believe that a [relatively] low cost upgrade would be a purchase of new speaker cables.  (I have no intent to replace either my speakers or my amplifiers at this time.)  I live in an area that is several hundred miles distant from any high end dealer, so doing a sonic audition of cables is infeasible; moreover, I could not duplicate my combination of other sources, amplifiers, interconnect cables, and power cords -- as well, of course, of my room environment.

All that being said, I have done tons of reading about speaker cables these past few months.  The result of my efforts has been to narrow down my two upgrade choices (both bi-wired) to Transparent Audio's Ultras and Wireworld Cable's Silver Eclipse.  Coincidentally, their respective MSRPs are between $50 of each other.

Ideally, I would love to read responses from other Audiogon members who have actually auditioned one cable against the other.  That is likely to be nigh unto impossible because I have been unable to identify a single dealer who carries both lines.  Consequently, I would be delighted to receive anyone's thoughts about the pluses and minuses of each individual cable.

Many thanks to all who provide their much appreciated insights!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjmeyers
@auxinput  You've posted here enough to realize what a canard the old silver is bright line is eh?

sorry, but I have done extensive listening and testing with silver components.  Silver interconnects, silver fuses, silver digital cable.  It is largely system dependent, but they all add a level of brightness and sterileness.  If you have very warm sounding equipment, then silver might add some speed, but with the combination of Revel Studio and Krell FPB, the likelyhood of creating a bright edge is high.
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@auxinput  "It is largely system dependent, but they all add a level of brightness and sterileness."  Might the more appropriate adjectives be detail and openness?
An example of this is my SACD player's owner's manual.  The manual that accompanies the Marantz SA-KI Ruby discusses the two output filters that the user may choose between using the substantial metal remote.  The default Filter 1 is described as "Very precise soundstage and smooth tonal balance."  Agreed.  Filter 2 is described as "Neutral tonal balance - slightly brighter than “Filter1"  No! Not Really.
Since the filters can be flipped on the fly you can readily analyze the differences between them.  Filter 2 is NOT "brighter" than Filter 1, it is more "detailed and dynamic".  I say that because the revealed detail is realized across the frequency spectrum, most especially the bass.  More detailed pluck of the string on an acoustic guitar, more air and breath to a flute etc. The dynamic ebb and flow of music is more natural and satisfying with Filter 2. The music pulses and at times surprises with its jump. (in all fairness, a prime benefit of the "Ruby")

All of this is of course system dependent!  That is my objection to your characterization of silver as "bright".  In some systems, metal dome tweeters? perhaps.  I hear more detail and dynamics here.
Thanks for weighing in.
Mr. hifiman5

You don't know me, but you already claim my hearing is impaired. 
Its a gall.
What about you? 
Did you check your hearing and tested good?
I doubt it.

I see you are good with poetry and rubbing snake oil over cables to make them sound better.

Never appeared to you, that those cables have some electrical properties (like resistance), related to the Amps. DF characteristics?
As so, a great deal of improvement can be achieved by methodically calculate and make such a cable, that will really fit the requirements, sound fantastic and cost less than most of the oil snake rubbed cables out there.