Upscale Audio and Primaluna

spoke to aggresive salesperson who pushed prima luna integrated amps and other primaluna gear.

this was after i called to buy another component.  Anyone know about primaluna stuff.

all this guy did was tear into my system saying how deficient it is and that i should buy primaluna.


if you’re going to respond negatively with your bias remarks, at least be a fly on the wall. Folks I know including myself have been through this experience. Has it stopped me in the past from buying from them, not at all. I became a smarter buyer from my experience. NOLA is lacking in the HiFi world and I don’t expect it to be New York or California where there are plenty of competition to choose from. My remarks were to educate from first hand EXPERIENCE, (the truth) not support friends or family business. Don’t get butt hurt over others experience. Listen and learn because others don’t always have the same experience as you claim to have. If the truth is too painful for you to swallow, get over it because this thread doesn’t pertain to you. Next time try reading the headlines before you chime in on ones or others experience. Sad, smh!
@decathlon1991 Man, my apologies, who knew you were posting about an obscure brick and mortar dealer in New Orleans on an Upscale Audio/Primaluna thread. What on earth was I thinking? I obviously thought you were posting about the only Wilson Audio that most people on audiogon would have likely known of and assumed as well. You and I both have the right to comment on any thread we choose. Peace. 

The reason for the post was to illustrate that these issues can happen at any brick and mortar dealer. I like Kevin. He is very direct. What you see is what you get but at the end of the day, you have to pull up your big boy pants and make your own choices. Also, Upscale Audio VS Wilson Audio from experience, are no different from one another when it comes to the quality of equipment and knowledge you receive. Honestly, Doug is well known across the country and is best friends with Richard Gray. The gear he carries is equally as nice. He is also one of the best Audio Research Dealers in the country. Like I stated earlier, you definitely have to have thick skin when dealing with Doug. He will tell you your gear is junk and you should buy Audio Research.