USB cables

In the March 2012 issue of Absolute Sound, Robert Harley raves about a $550/m USB cable that replaced his "excellent" $80 cable, but doesn't tell us what the $80 cable is. For those of us who are less absolute, that would have been an interesting disclosure.

As a new owner of a MacMini loaded with Pure Music, I'd like to know what USB cables are recommended. The MacMini will output USB to a Musical Fidelity V-Link that will in turn output SP/DIF to a Cary 11a.

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no conductor is perfect... unless its a super conductor at close to 0 degrees kelvin. So all of audio science for wires is really about eliminating conductor non linearities at room temperature. The hardest wave to reproduce on a metal conductor is a square wave yet thats exactly what a digital signal is. So yes a USB conductor thats flatter in impedance linearity across a wider frequency range will suffer less digital anomalies. The sad part about audio is that metal conductors for digital is a dead end... they can't handle the frequency extremes as well as optical cables with lasers. Audio needs to adapt the gigahertz technology used by telcom at which point there will no longer be a signal difference if your carrier wave has a jitter error less than 1/1000 %
Hello, I went from a .5 meter Wireworld Starlight usb cable to a 1.8 meter Furutech Formula 2. I just installed the Formula 2 and really really like it a lot! Everything got better sonically right out of the box (highs to lows), high end resolution and clarity, more bass weight and "meat on the bones." This usb cable immediately made the biggest positive improvement of any cable I've purchased. The Formula 2 is causing me to wonder how other Furutech cables measure up against the competition. And I'm a person who never gushes about cables, quite the opposite. I've more often than not been disappointed in the performance of many cable purchases I've made (speaker cables, interconnects and power cables included). This one bucks that trend. I can highly recommend the Furutech Formula 2. (Macbook Pro to Rega Dac)
How important for the sound quality is the USB cable when using a USB/SPDIF converter like Audiophileo or JK HiFace?

I think you should go with the best USB/SPDIF converter you can afford (V-Link -> Audiophileo 2 / JK SPDIF mk 3 -> HiFace Evo + Evo Clock + PSU) and only after that try different USB cables. IMO this brings greater improvement that replacing the USB cable.
I want to share my experience of a USB cable that has not been mentioned in this thread. The LAT International USB cable:

For a couple of months, I used a "regular" USB cable which cost only a few bucks. It was obvious that I was listening to a digital source because music sounded grainy and harsh. It was only after upgrading to the LAT International cable that I realized the extent of the damage of the "regular" USB cable. The LAT USB cable eliminated or greatly reduced the grain/harshness so music is smooth and natural. The LAT was an instant improvement with a very transparent sound. The cable cost $119 for 1.5 meters. I'm very curious to compare the LAT USB to the high end (price-wise) USB cables. Cables do make a difference and I recommend any naysayer to experiment for themselves. You'll be glad you did.
I have used .05 m to 1.5 m cables and There was no difference what so ever in sonics,and I gave them over 300 hrs to run in.
I can see on some brands it might matter,but the Wireworld
Silver Starlight is a very well built cable.