I am not going to argue with you. I sat with MPEG int he 90s and learned a great deal about what we cannot measure well. Mostly i learned that there is much i don't know and it best to begin with empirical data rather than accepted rules.
I actually agree that we cannot hear distortions at -155 db> In fact I thin we are strained at -90 dB. That said, we also seem to be very sensitive to some distortions. As
I don't think you really ant to hear a long explanation why, and i certainly don't feel like typing it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll close with a quote from on of th epioneers of audio and sound from way back:
I actually agree that we cannot hear distortions at -155 db> In fact I thin we are strained at -90 dB. That said, we also seem to be very sensitive to some distortions. As
I don't think you really ant to hear a long explanation why, and i certainly don't feel like typing it. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll close with a quote from on of th epioneers of audio and sound from way back:
“if it measures good, and sounds bad, it is
bad. If it sounds good, and measures bad, you’ve measured the wrong thing.”
– Daniel Von Ricklinghausen, Chief Engineer of HH Scott to the Boston Audio Society, 1954