Usher Audio's S-520

Picked up a pair of these little jewels a few weeks ago.
I've found them to be a sort of "Diamond in the rough".
Amazing how musical they are. How deep and tight their bass presentation is. How well built they are for their meager asking price ($400 pair). How little they sound like the little box they are, compared to my other bookself speakers, which in comparsion to the S-520 sound boxy and closed in.
Wonderful little speaker that has me wondering "maybe these little guys are all I need to bring sonic nirvana to my listening room!
Anybody else out there who heard these?

Hi Geoh, Thanks for the feedback! I like reading "real world" comparison reviews like this... even though it's only one person's impression in the context of their system and their room, it's still helpful in forming an opinion about products of interest. I'm not familiar with the other speakers in your shootout, but I've read the VR-1's are well regarded. I compared my SB3's a while back against my Polk RT-35i speakers, and I definately preferred the SB3's for music. The Polks are very nice for their price point (half the cost of the SB3's), but the SB3's are clearly a more refined speaker. I have read that some consider the NHT SB3 a great speaker at twice its retail price. I'm not in a position to make that kind of judgement, but the SB3 is definately a great value. By the way, what amp and source are you using?
