Using iPod Classic as music server

I finally decided to organize my music on a "server" using an iPod Classic that I got as a hand-me-down from one of my grandsons. In order to replicate music as accurately as possible I'm ripping CDs using Apples lossless CODEC. My understanding of these formats like FLAC and ALAC is that accuracy of replication is 100% and I'm finding that playback using earphones or good buds at least, seems that that is so.

However, when playing through my system, although good, playback using the iPod is not the same as when the source is the CD player. The information seems complete and obviously better than compressed versions I've heard but resolution and detail in the upper frequencies seems to have been softened.

My ability to compare these two sources is straightforward because I can have the same track playing on both sources and A/B using the source selector on the preamp. Now il get to my question.

First I need to say that the present system performs extremely well for my listening tastes so I'm not questioning the existing components. However, there are at least the 2 new issues of concern; one is the quality of the CD transport in the computer and the other is the quality of the iPod playback. I don't mean to imply that the playback from the iPod is terrible. As a matter of fact, it sounds quite good but a little softer/warmer than I prefer for critical listening.

There must be a reason why dedicated music servers are expensive and I'm assuming it has to do with reproduction quality as with other components in a system. I've never seen one so don't even know the process(es) for downloading music to them but, for several reasons, I want to pursue the use of a digital server of some kind. I'm, therefore, asking for corrections of my assumptions as well as some guidance toward making an intelligent choice.

My present system is: Shanling S-100 CD player, Peachtree Audio Nova as a preamp, Peachtree Audio 220 amp and Martin Logan Odyssey speakers.
Lowrider, I use an iMac for ripping CDs to iTunes using Apple's lossless CODEC; from there, I sync to the iPod. For playback I'm using the inexpensive (here's where my biggest problem might be) Gigaware docking station as an experiment into the server world. Before the dock I tried using the headphone jack out to the preamp and that was pretty unacceptable.

One of the recommendations that I read was to use a DAC between the dock and the preamp and, although I have been a fan of their use, based on the deficiencies that I've experienced so far, I don't think that would help. I already have 3 DAC's which I've used in the past to attenuate or soften some of the brightness that I find uncomfortable but, because the sound I'm missing has mostly to do with detail or resolution in the upper frequencies, it seems that a DAC might exacerbate the problem.

From what I've read here, the Wadia 170i would likely be an improvement over the dock that I'm currently using and after a little more research it will likely be my next step.

I don't pretend to have the best ear in the world for judging sound quality especially where differences are subtle but, in this case, the difference in sound quality from CD to iPod are obvious even to me. Like I mentioned, though, I'm going to opt for the server approach in some form even if it's only for background listening.

I would like to reiterate that I'm in no way implying that use of the iPod as a server is not a good choice. It's just that I've been trying for over 50 years to achieve what I have now, which is a system that better suits my listening than nearly all past attempts regardless of name brand or expense. After all the time, money and effort, I want to minimize compromise as much as economically feasible.
I have the perfect thing to deliver good sound quality for you, and its not expensive. Beats Wadia and other digital docks. I use one myself.

Its the Pure i20 digital docking station. Has an excellent DAC inside and delivers low-jitter. Only $85 on when its on sale.

I have compared it to expensive DACs, over $1K and it usually beats them. If you put a good linear power supply like a on it to replace the wall-wart AC adapter, it will probably beat $5K+ DACs.

This is simply a no-brainer. Just get it.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Good to hear that Steve N.
You can make a great streaming system for cheap using Logitech media server (free, run on any computer on your network), Pure i20 dock with any idevice running ipeng with play option (about $12 for the software) and another idevice running ipeng for control ($10 software).
Hi,you & I are trying to do the same thing with a ipod classic,you already have Peachtree electronics,so this should work great for you.Buy a used Peachtree idac,it is a ipod dock & DAC (it also has a lot of other digital inputs} then just plug your ipod into it & connect the outputs to your preamp,this will bypass the dac & power supply in your ipod & will sound way better than just hooking your ipod to your preamp.It comes with remote & will change tracks on your ipod.You can go to Peachtree & download the manual for these even though they are no longer available.These listed for 1000.00 new & you should be able to buy a used one for half of that or less,i think there is one on Audiogon now,i bought mine from e-bay for 380.00 with manual,remote,ipod adapters for different ipods,it is like new. this will make a huge difference in the sound quality of your ipod.This also has about 5 other digital inputs including usb that you could connect to your computer to play music files.You may even improve the sound of your Shanling,by connecting the outputs of it to the idac.I have magnepan 3.6 speakers & this setup made the highs sound way better & the overall sound was also greatly improved.
I second the Pure i20 recommendation; great product, and you can't beat the price. It also has coax and optical inputs, and video output.