USPS shipping prices ?

Went to the Post Office to ship a set of 4 pound cables with $200 insurance plus tracking to California via priority mail. Clerk tells me the cost is $14 and change. When I balked at the price, the clerk told me that it depends on the zone it goes to. I said, sounds like you guys are getting more expensive than Ups and Fedex. Went to Fedex and shipped the same package with tracking and insurance for $7.05. It used to be cheaper to ship via USPS. Unfortunately, this is no longer seems to be the case.
I bought insurance through USPS on ten 78 rpm German picture disks and other collectable 78's. A few of the records were broken in shipping and they paid the claim without any animosity at MY established value in two weeks. I've never had a piece of mail lost or undelivered. The Postal Service handles billions and billions of pieces of mail every year with very few complaints. We enjoy the most efficient, lowest cost and quickest most reliable service on the planet bar none. In this case you do, in fact, get what you pay for. BTW, those $7.70 boxes will go all the way to Iraq. There are still places in this country without electricity and phone service. Name me one place where the mail doesn't go for a flat rate. The companies that ship cheaper won't do this because they are not compelled to by law while the Postal Service is. Making points is tiring. Just let me say that I'm so very disappointed in the lack of knowledge by so many educated people in our society about the HOW and WHY our system is set up the way it is. Equality began in this country through the example set forth by the US Postal Service. Try comparing shipping records via all methods. Media Mail is subsidized for the benefit of libraries, schools and charitable publishing companies. It's the concept of equality that gives us audiophiles the right to ship our media (vinyl, CD's, books, magazines and tapes) at a subsidized rate too. Does UPS or FEDEX deliver all our governments mail for free? Schools in the country are abysmal as proven by the thread head.
Ups and Fed-Ex pick and choose what they want to deliver and their Ins. in useless.The post office takes everthing and I sent about 1200 graded cards in the last 3 years and they have not lost or damaged one.Enough said
Anyone shipping UPS ground is just looking for trouble. Even if item is insured, their downtime paying the claim is shameful. I strictly use FedEx priority and never had a problem.
I have had FedEx pay a claim within 2 weeks and UPS actually pay one with in a month. As long as you jumg through their hoops it my experience that you can recover your loss. Now granted they were both less than $300 but they did pay relatively promptly.

For shipping small packages with low value I use USPS. And I do agree with Lugnut for flat mail anywhere in the country and overseas you will not get a better deal.
If you are shipping something that is very light, the USPS is a good buy. Above that FedEx Ground is the clear best buy.

Entrope, I have never had FedEx or UPS pay in shorter than two months, after initially refusing payment for improper packing. They do pay with one exception. My most recent claim was for $7500.