VAC Owners: Balanced or Single-Ended Cables???

It appears that many folks who use VAC amplification are standardized with VAC gear for both their preamp and power amp.

For those of you that use VAC for your pre and power amps, which do you feel yeilds better sound, Balanced XLR cables or Single-Ended RCA cables?

Kevin said to try both, which I did. Balanced was a little "quieter" due to some system noise that is now eliminated. Single-ended seem a little more palpable to me. Currently using Nirvana SX Ltd balanced between my VAC amp and pre-amp. By the end of the week, will be using Synergistic Precision Reference single ended, in conjunction with a number of other SR cables. I heard these in my system last week and was very impressed by the increased transparency, layering and imaging that I heard. The Nirvana were very good - the PR is just a little better fit with the other SR cords that will soon be in my system.
Flplanner- I see you are going away from the VD cables= Can you share why and what led you to the SR'S?? I just got the VAC 160's and alpha pre and am looking for the right interconnect- thanks-
Bebop86 - if you send me an e-mail, I will be happy to share my experiences - don't want to hijack this thread.

FWIW, new cables just got put in (Except spkr cables) and am going RCA between amp and pre - the sound is glorious and NOTHING is broken in yet!! I would say unless you have a noisy system or a long run, RCAs would be the way to go - a little more immediacy is what I am hearing.