VAC / Wilson cables

Before year end I'll be replacing my VAC Ren 70/70 with Kevin's current iteration, the Phi 300. I've already upgraded from Wilson's Watt/Puppy 5 to Sophia 3. The cables, however, remain Transparent Reference.

I'm wondering, having upgraded at each end, if anyone has experience with a more current and improved speaker cable ? The pre-amp is Shindo's Giscours, fed by the Miyajima Kansui on a TW Limited table. Chamber, vocals, and keyboard is the diet.

I did not, in fact, design anything of note while at VAC. I was involved almost entirely in the marketing and operations side of Kevin's business. That was enough work, indeed, and excellent business experience.

Susbsequently, I did design a phono preamp for Art Audio, the Vinyl Reference, which is no longer in production. Now I am working as a principle in two audio companies, K&K Audio (10th anniversary coming up in March!) and Sonus Veritas.

Kevin Carter
K&K Audio and Sonus Veritas
The Phi Signature 2a and the Phi Statement 450 stereo and mono amps are point to point wired; the others I can't be sure.
Not a shill (no affiliation wt MIT), just upfront and honest about my preferences. The funny part is a Stealth Cable dealer (and representative of other various gear) pretending to be a neutral voice of reason. I ask people to try before you buy...Audiofeil knows he knows what you should know before you even know it!
>>12-09-11: Dave_b
The funny part is a Stealth Cable dealer (and representative of other various gear) pretending to be a neutral voice of reason.<<

Did I endorse or recommend any product(s) in this discussion?

It's all about reading comprehension Dave.

Work on it.
I comprendo just fine Afeil...for example, the two attacks in this thread alone speak volumes for how very small a person you are vs your presumed understanding of all things audio. As I've said before, it is better to have offered an honest opinion vs attacks laced with self agrandisement. Your disaffected third party persona, devoid of any involvement (yet presuming to contain Godlike amounts of knoweledge and understanding) is not only usless but deeply disturbing. Human beings need to connect on a personal level minus the attacks. You tend to bring out the worst in people. Maybe you built a wall for yourself a long time ago and you just can't bare to reveal your vulnerabilities. I'm just sayin it's OK bro...let it go! You can start to heal by spreading less hate and arrogance and instead, replace them with actual constructive advice. Lay off the stalker "Quotes" as well would ya? It's kinda creepy and dimented when you do it all the time. They call it OQD...Obsessive Quotation Disease. Anyway, have a nice day:O)