Vandersteen 2ce Sig II

So I've got a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum with TS KT 120 tubes and am updating my speakers from some Martin Logan Aerius i's that I built when I worked there in college over 15 years ago. Gonna have the mylar replaced and put them in a second system. I was wondering if anybody thought the Vanersteen 2ce Sig II's were a good match for the Cronus Magnum with the big bottle upgrade. I'm currently using VPI Scout with a Grado Reference Master cart and mainly only listen to vinyl although I do have a Mac Mini with a cheap DAC hooked up to it. Any thoughts would be appreciated if anybody has had experience with this setup.
Thanks, Tim
A plumbob,string, and the well written Vandy owners manual is also a good place to start for tiltback.
John I've done the plumbob string per Vandersteen manual but, the laser and bubble level is more accurate.
I am contemplating changing the taps on Cronus Magnum over to 4ohm. Currently running at 8, but want to see how it sounds. I'm certain the Vandy's can handle it and it shouldn't be a problem on the Rogue. Anybody else done this? How's the sound? What should I listen for?
I just moved my Vandersteen 2CE Sig II from 8ohm tap to 4ohm tap of my McIntosh MC2100, the bass got tighter and sounded better. I'm going to leave it at 4ohm since the Vadersteen manuals says, 7ohm nominal and 4ohm minimum.