Vandersteen 2ci used. Good speaker/bargain?

I've found a pair of Vandy 2ci just a couple hours from where I live. I'm interested in upgrading my speakers (bottom of the line Spica SC-30...a great budget speaker)but I'm on a serious budget. I have an NAD C340 intregrated amp and in a year or so will probably upgrade that as well. What do you folks think of the Vandy 2ci, made around 10 to 12 yrs ago, I believe. I probably can't put speakers any further away from the wall then 18 in to 2 ft. Room is about 14' by 16, with a cathedral ceiling (overall, very oddly shaped). I listen to jazz vocalists primarily--the Dianna Kralls, Stacy Kents--plus light jazz intrumentals. Also about what price should I pay for a pair in very good condition (stands are included). I probably can upgrade to something more expensive (presumably meaning, much better) in about 3 years, but in the meantime, I wonder if these might fill the bill.
I think that you'll be very happy with the Vandy's. They will definitely have more "bloom" and "body" along with greater extension than your current Spica's. The NAD will drive them, but it may come across as being "TOO warm & smooth" sounding. Then again, this is typically preferable to something that sounds "ear bleedingly bright". If need be, you can always resort to a bit of treble boost on the NAD. Sean
if possible(won't cost that much more) try to go to the 2ce's. a much better speaker for only $100 to $200 more. in the long term it will be worth it.
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Owning a pair of these, I would have to say that Viridian might be mistaken, these have a sensitivity of 88db@1 meter, sound pretty good on 35 watts tube per channel. You have not mentioned price of speakers but I am quite pleased with mine.