Vandersteen 3A sig. Placement and Room Sensitive?

I am considerting 3A sigs. How room and placement sensitve are thay. My main concern is that they will only be about 7 feet apart and 16 or so inches from the rear wall?

In addition how much bass do they do? Do they go low? How tight is the bass?


My memory was just jogged by a Vandy dealer in NJ as to a possible solution to the bass bump you would get with the speakers so close to the wall.
Using the Vandy sub 2Wq crossover box, starting at 20k impedance (the input impedance adjusts the bass roll off)find an impedance that rolls the bass off adjusting these impedances until you tame the hump. This will smooth the bass and also serve to allow the mids to open up better. A secondary benefit would be to lessen the load on the amp.
The Vandy crossover box is inserted between the preamp and amp and rolls the bass at 6db/octave (a gentle slope) once you have found the best setting, buy a set of Vandy x-2 crossovers of that same impedance and leave them in the circuit.
I agree with Bigtee about the crossover. Perfect idea.

But I might consider a cheaper alternative to the 3A sigs (like the 2ce Sig) since you won't be able to exploit the full potential of the 3A's in that setup.
Then I would spend the rest of the money on music!
