Vandersteen 4

Is there anyone who may know a little about the Vandersteen Model 4? I have searched extensively and have been unable to find anything of assistance. Would they be a step up from Model 3A Signatures?
Mofi- there actually was a Model 4 and a 4a, a predecessor to the Model 5. It was kind of like a Model 3 w 2, 12" (powered, I think) sub-woofers built-in. You see them here maybe once every 5 years or so. I've never heard them, but I almost bought a pair on a whim a few years ago. They are BIG and HEAVY, IIRC. Looked like a Model 3 on steroids.
Thanks! I have never heard of the Model 4. Most companies won't use the number 4 as a model number. I have been corrected...
So why is number 4 bad luck but twice 4 or number 8 is considered a good luck number.

Wouldn't it be twice the bad luck? Just sayin'