Vandersteen 5 and 5A owners

Are (were) you using your 5 or 5A's using the balanced XLR-type high-pass filters or the single-ended RCA-type? Wondering the difference in terms of performance, especially if anyone has compared the two in the same system.
To add to 4yanx last comment, I can't tell a difference between XLR and RCA connections with my fully-balanced Classe CP50 preamp and McIntosh 7200 amp. I used to be disappointed that CJ didn't use XLR but at this point, I think it doesn't really matter. Perhaps if the interconnects have to be 40 feet long it would. Arthur
4yanx, I have heard both the 5 and 5A using both rca and XLR, but the differences in other components and rooms would more than mask this difference. I haven't had the opportunity to A/B just that change in a single system and single listening session for comparison.

However, my dealer has experimented with both setups, and on very high quality equipment finds the difference very slightly in favor of XLR. That being said, he doesn't hesitate to recommend either.

I ended up with an all balanced rig, mostly because I believed the all balanced configuration makes good technical sense, and the components I bought support it.

I suspect you would be thrilled either way.
Zargon, I have followed your comments regarding Vandy speakers and they have always been rather spot-on, from my subsequent experience. What are your feelings regarding the AQ cabling on the high-pass filters and issues with pairing IC's in a configuration which goes linestage-"X" Brand IC-Filter-AQ Amazon IC-Amp?
I had the opportunity to have the RCA filters in my system temporarily, but the speakers were new so I can't give a meaningful comparison to the XLR filters. My 5A XLR filters currently have AQ Sky as the pigtails. I run a 1 meter pair of AQ Sky from my EMM DCC2 to the filters. I find the AQ Sky to be an absolutely incredible interconnect. I used the logic of trying to keep the interconnects the same for the input signal to the filter and what is output. Additionally, adding AQ Kilimanjaro Shotgun bi-wire speaker cables made another tremendous improvement in combintion with the SKY interconnects. I spoke to AQ regarding the SKY pigtails and they said they are also biased through the battery in the high pass filters. I had inquired about adding the DBS system to the pigtails and that was their answer. A couple of guys at AQ use 5As as their reference for evaluating their cables so maybe that is why I'm finding they are such a synergistic match with the 5As.
Interesting, Fsarc. I had Ridge Street Poiema XLR's between the linestage (Pass X1) and high-pass filters. Did not care for the X1 in my system and just sold it to a good home. Looking now for something else and figured to consider IC-type and connections in the process.