Vandersteen 5a. How refined a product are they

Im interested in this speaker and went to hear them at a dealers yesterday and they sounded only adequte. They seemed to disappear quite well for a large speaker and dynamics were incredible. They had the detail for sure, But lacked (dear I say- Magic!) I was wondering if there are any Vandy 5a owners who have been able to make peace with this speaker. It definitely Plays at louder levels without strain and thanks to the built in powered subwoofer, (12 inch bass drivers) I would be able to drive it With my moderately powered tube amps which otherwise would have some difficulty with a speaker with the 5a' s size and capabilities. I would greatly appreciate any info including some of the associated equipment which you 5a owners are using. Thanks
No need to borrow a copy of the Audio Perfectionist to read Hardesty's article. It's posted on the Vandersteen website. I guess Richard Vandersteen liked it too.
I listened to the Vandersteen 5A at a dealer's store in San Diego. I was most impressed with this speaker. In all respects it had the "magic" for me. BAT electronics were used with a VPI TNT/Transfig Spirit front end. The Decca, Mercury, and RCA recordings that I brought along all sounded wonderful. One other thing to note is that the speaker can be upgraded when the time comes. Time and phase correct speakers offer a revelation in listening if you have never heard them. After hearing other speakers in the 14K-25K price range (including the much talked about Kharma) I purchased the 5As.
Just a lone reviewer from The Absolute Sound, but it covers the same ground as Richard Hardesty's piece in his "The Audio Perfectionist (which accepts no advertising whatsoever).