Vandersteen Model 2CE's: Should I upgrade?

I've owned these Vandersteen speakers since 1992 and they have sounded better and better as the rest of my system has improved.I've compared them to much more expensive B&W's and like mine better. I have a Bel Canto Evo 200.2 amp which is rated at 125 watts per channel and a Conrad Johnson PV12 tube preamp. I'm aware that the Model 2 has been improved since I bouhgt them and that there now is a Signature series. One dealer also told me that it would also sound better with a Vandersteen subwoofer. Is the sound that much better to justify these expenditures? What about upgrading to the Vandersteen Signature 3A? Is that a much better speaker and is worth making the jump?
I agree that your current amp should be fine. The Vandersteen's as a whole do require power. I'm currently using a Belles 350A (250/ch @ 8 ohms) I have never felt the amp was remotely stressed for loud levels. I did use McCormack .5's back a while (rated at 100/ch) Thought they did fine but honestly didn't sound as refined and powerful as the Belles.
As a passing note, I can't agree at all with the sameness statement of the above gentleman. I have found an improvement as you go up the line although it is a less of one between the 3A and 2Ce Signature. The 3A Signature IS a jump above these two. The 3A Signature uses the Model 5 tweeter and midrange. This is a quantified improvement in drivers over the 3A and below and it shows in its performance. Also, when speakers and/or drivers are utilized correctly from the beginning, there is no need to bring out a new improvement every year. Vandersteen upgrades when genuine improvements come along.
having owned vandy 1 and 2ci's over the years and have moved to a higher resolution / transparent design. i have heard the 3a's in a friends house and they are nice but sound like a bigger 2 ( still laid back in the mid for my taste). they are nice but not as musically involving as some other speakers that i have heard.

i haved always enjoyed vandies and found they do their best with high resolution gear ( i went with pse studio V mono blocks amps at richard vandersteen's reccomendation). but they have seemed to be lacking coherency in the midrange ( top and bottom are fine).

a similiar design by alon has cured me of speaker "upgradeitis". they are similar in design - sealed bass enclosure but the mid and tweeter are on a open baffle.

the alon II(mark 2) or 5 are worth looking at in the used market.

the alon's offer a very musical, seemless and revealing presentation behind the speakers and do a great disappearing act. if you have heard a magneplanar then you know what i an talking about ( but with bass and dynamics!!!!!!) the cohearency of the speakers is amazing !! you are presented with the whole sonic picture and the sounds comes from a nicely layered soundstage that is huge and the images have smooth edges.

they are also very revealing of everything ( not bright... but revealing to speaker cable changes, interconnect changes etc, loose binding post etc..)

they are a dipole and need a room to breathe( the design is very similar except the back of the tweeter/midrange is open- a dipole). the bottom end of the model 5 is closer to the vandersteen 3 ( the alon 5 is a amazing speaker from top to bottom). the bass of the alon model 2 mkII goes to 40hz.

i would give them a listen if you have the room for them ( they need to be 4-5 feet out in the room to breathe) they are one of the few box speakers that sound/image like a planar (huge soundstage with height).

the vandies are nice and have always been a awesome deal for the money.... but the drawbacks have been a lack of resolution/cohearency/transparency in the midrange.that is where they give it up. the thiels get the midrange right....but it isnt a fair comparison - similar models have costed about $1000 more...

hope that helps !!!

I want to know if i could upgrade my 2ce to signature Where do i buy the kit from. Your help on this matter will be helpful.


Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
Contact Vandersteen Audio ( The speakers will have to be returned to the factory for the upgrade. It is not a field option.