Vandersteen Quattros - Top Wooden Shelf DEFECT?

I am a new owner of a pair of Vandersteen Quattros. I just noticed 3 months into ownership that the top wooden shelves are sliding loose quite easily. Are other owners noticing the same thing? Is that a DEFECT or part of their DESIGN.


Never herd of that issue Vandersteen stands behind his stuff, I'm sure your dealer will warntee them.

I wonder if he bought them new from a dealer or is he just the new owner of them. Ouch!
The tops do slide off for easy replacement. There is nothing wrong with your pair. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Yes tops do come off so unless they are flapping around its hard to tell if this is normal, my dad has the Wood signature Quatro, if this happens to his there is a BIG problem lol.