Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
What I am hearing is better quality bass in the 3A Sig for rock music.  What I hear from the Treo is better mids but a small ported driver that fails miserably on rock music.  Not because it lacks low end.  It doesn't.  It thuds quite loudly.  Believe me, if the Treos had better quality bass than the Sig *on rock* I would own them.  They just don't keep the rock beat rollin'.  If the Treo lights your fire on orchestral, by all means enjoy.  

Thanks! for sharing- wlutke.
I feel that I was the only person here whom does discount the Treo and Quattro. Keep in mind the difference(s) in sound and presentation goes into that 1st order crossover. 
Interesting.  I honestly don't do much orchestral, but it does have very low bass.  I listen to much more rock and heavy metal and have found the bass to be satisfying overall, but i do want the Quatro to get better and more bass.  I heard the Quatro and 7 mk2's yesterday at Audio Connection as Richard was there visiting.  The 3's do go lower, but the Treo has better quality according the to designer of the speakers.  If you feel you are getting better quality and more bass in your 3A's, then you are as it's your ears.  jafant, that's fair that you discount both speakers, but there are so many folks who love them as I heard folks talking about switching to them yesterday.  That's why other's can sell their wares also.

The one thing I will say is that Vandersteen is about to come to market with a new sub that will only be sold in pairs and will ROCK.  As long as you have a speaker that goes down to the high 30's you can use it without losing coherency as the bass needs to overlap a full octave to achieve that.  That's why it's so difficult for anyone to properly mate a sub with a non full range type of speaker.  it is pretty interesting stuff how he mates the sub's amp with whatever amp you are using to keep the same sound signature.  Just thought I'd share and this thread is a good one to throw it out in.  
I just came upon this excellent thread today.  Love the passion for the hobby that I've been reading here.  I am 10 days into owning my new Treo CTs.  I have played music and the Purist Audio Design System Enhancer disc to break in the drivers and crossover components continuously.  Out of the box revealed the promise of fine sound...they just needed time to get there.  Well, they are pretty much there.  I am using mine with a pair of 2wq subwoofers.  The Treo CTs mate beautifully with the subs.(expected)  I have had to turn down the gain on the subs. from where they were set for use with my 3A Sigs.  Look... set up and system being equal, the Treo CTs are much more detailed but at the same time smoother....more refined than the 3s that I owned for 22 years!!  I would never go back, but I also have countless fond memories of enjoyable 3A Sig. listening sessions. Richard knows who he is what his design concept is about and he has simply?? refined that concept over time applying ever more sophisticated driver and crossover components into his designs.  The laudable comments about Johnny R at Audio Connection are spot on.  Just met him 10 days ago and enjoyed the couple hours we spent in his shop. He knows electronics and speaker design concepts and "gets" Vandersteens.  

One thing we all need to remember, Vandys will never be for everyone with passion for this hobby.  If they were, there wouldn't be gazillions of speaker designers out in stereo land!  I understand Richard's design goals and the meticulous nature in which he has met success throughout his career as a premier designer.  Appreciating the amazing attention to driver, cabinet and crossover details, the Treo CTs are to me yet another amazing offering of extreme value from Vandersteen Audio.
So glad you were able to pull that trigger. I know some keep thinking the 3's are better than the Treo's, but I just don't get that at all.  I like the 3's and for the cost, they are like the others...a great value, but the Treo is not the same speaker.  It takes everything to a new level and that includes the bass.  Deep isn't the most important thing in this price range, it's about the quality and the Treo goes darn deep with plenty of punch in most rooms IF it's on the recording.

Yes, I send everyone to Johnny only because I totally trust him. For those who aren't into Vandy's, he realizes that right away and will show them Proac's or something they will love.  He's about system building and that's a lost art, although it's refreshing to see some of the dealer posters on here who do get it.