VDH Colibri XPP. Best Load impedance?


what is the best Load impedance for the VDH XPP (Platin?

Josef, as stated in several other threads, unless your preamp is sensitive to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) then the loading will not be critical. If you find that it is, then your preamp is having a problem (and if it were me, I would consider replacing the preamp). Emil_f's suggestion is thus not a bad one.

I don´t think youre right Atmasphere. I spoke today with VDH. He told me the best is between 500 and 1kOhm.

The internal impedance is 500 Ohm. For my taste the best is between 500 and 800 Ohm. With 1kohm the result is not good. Too much high´s.


Very Simple. I want to know if somebody else has a different experience with this Cartirdge. Maybe 5k is the Right? I do not have 5k on my Phonostage.