Verity Parsifal Ovation vs. Encore?

I have heard the Ovations at a show and really enjoyed them.
Are the Encores much different? I have seen comments
that the bass can be overdone or even boomy, is this true?
I need them 2-3 feet from the wall behind them in
a roughly 14x20 room on the long wall. Thanks.
Thanks for the help. How is relatively-nearfield listening,
about 7-8 feet from front of the speaker? Thanks again.
7-8 feet poses no real problems IME and I once had them on the long wall similarly positioned to what you propose in a room very similar in size to yours. I'd agree with Roy, woofers forward. OTOH, I have had them in larger rooms and you do get a fuller soundstage.

My room is similar in size except we devided the room into two by have a couch in between. SO the speakers are about 3 feet away from the backwall, and the listening position is about 8 feet from the speakers. I set up the Encores with woofers firing towards the backwall per Verity's recommendation. 3 ft is just too close to the backwall, that the bass sounded boomy. I have not tried turning the woofers to face forward. What I did was to put my DIY room lens (made of those kid's foammy swimming noodle stick things) against the backwall right behind the speakers and the bass issue was resolved.

I have the Encores with the updated revelator tweeters.

The Ovation is more energetic on the top that the encore. Someone would say it is more balanced. The encore is somewhat more dark!
I could live with both!