VH Audio, Ridge St Audio or Audience Au24 XLRs?

I am in the market for 2 pairs or .5 to 1 meter balanced interconnects to go between an Esoteric DV50/ Pass X-1/ Blue Circle BC 26MKII power amp.

I have rented cables from the Cable Company- including the Au24's but I was not able to get a sample of the Ridge St or VH Audio Pulsar w/o buying them.

I like a detailed yet accurate sound. I am not looking for tone controls. Has anyone compared these 3 cables? If so how would you stack rank the cables?

Thank you in advance
Im in with Lak here...Ive demo'd and tried many cables and ultimately stopped the merry go round when I landed on the Ridge Streets. I honestly did not try the other cables mentioned, so I cant help in comparison, but can wholeheartedly and unequivically recommend the RSA Poiema's or MSE GenII's.Detail without etch, great bass and soundstage depth and especially width across the stage.
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