vibration control

Do most folks use vibration control under all components?--ie cd---preamp---amp---dac---and line conditioner as well?
How do you folks set yours up presuming you utilize vibration control--thanks
Rodman99999... I took the trouble to investigate the effect of vibration on solid state electronics.

A high gain circuit (phono preamp) was placed in a box along with a speaker, and bombarded with high dB music. There was no audible or measurable effect on the preamp output.

What is your explanation?
"A solid slab of concrete will, because of its mass, minimize transmission of vibration to the floor. A hollow concrete structure "rings"

Thank you, I thought as much. BTW, that other fellow is just a true believer. Next thing you know they will be trying to neutralize the effects of the gravitational pull of the EARTH. That pesky gravity wreaks havoc on the high low mid bass, and sucks all the 'air' out of the music.
Mr E- I don't need an explanation. As I stated earlier: If you don't believe it, or can't hear it- enjoy your bliss! (Just for the sake of response though) There are quite a few things in audio that create audible effects(time smearing, loss of image specificity or ambience info, etc), that cannot be measured with the equipment now available. The human ear has been shown, time and again, to be very sensitive to aberrations, that are not quantifiable. BUT, like everything else in this hobby; whether your ears, brain or system, are up to the task of such discernment, determines your mileage.
Everything vibrates,from transformers to caps to resistors.

Some you can hear with the ear, like transformers when the electricity goes a bit wonky, or sometimes just because no care or thought was taken when fastening them down without a damping material,hence metal to metal vibrations.

Then consider all the other more subtle vibrations(not to mention the speakers effect and the room)and when all is factored in and added up there is a whole lot of shakin goin on.

It maybe measureable, it may not, you may notice it, or as many here would suggest you may not.

The only time you notice that it was there is when something has been done and takes some away.

In other words, you notice it because of it's absence.

Much like improving the power to your gear, it's cumulative and you only notice the improvements when you go back and re-insert the gear before the upgrades and then re-insert the improved devices.

I've used several Target racks and some nice DIY wood units and lots of butcher blocks etc.

I think most folks would say that this usually has a noticeable effect on what is placed on top of it.

I am old enough to remember the fuss that Tip Toes created.
Lots of naysayers back then, perhaps the same folks as today.
Some things never change, some people never change, even as the world changes around them.

But as good as the shelf units I used, I wasn't prepared for the calming down effect that my first real audio rack had on my sound.

Some folks like granite,and I've been scoffed at before for saying this, but I wouldn't use it under anything unless the top had some sort of damping material.

It will reflect vibrations and ringing back into the gear and not absorb it, or drain it away.
It's great for damping out external vibes,but it rings unless you damp the surface.

Some gear benefit from having weights placed atop them, like cd players.Some gear have cheap flimsy cabinets of stamped sheet metal which will amplify and transmit vibrations.Some gear is housed in thick heavy billets of aluminum,and not just to up the price as fancy eye candy.
Perhaps this can be measured, but if not it's easy enough to try for yourself.Just be sure to protect surfaces from scratches when placing the weight on top of a component.

A few years ago Micheal Green was into clamping the components to his racks to prevent vibration and transmitting it form component to component.
That seems to have slipped under the radar.

Your ears will tell you if added mass or weight to a component improves the clarity, and that yes indeed that component was compromised because of vibrations from both it's surroundings and from the component itself.

If you notice you can make out the background vocalists more clearly and actually hear the words they are singing for the first time, you'll know you are on the right track.

You'll have all the proof you need
"whether your ears, brain or system, are up to the task of such discernment, determines your mileage."

You forgot to list imagination, ability to self delude and a burning desire to be counted among the 'chosen few.'