So the construction of the speaker cabinet has no effect on the sound?
Does the amount of bracing not matter? Or the type of materials used to make the cabinet not matter?There's no difference in vibration control between an inert aluminum cabinet and a presswood one?
It's all marketing, a myth ?
Maybe I don't get it,but I think the waveform would be altered by any of the above.
Also,a full range speaker on a suspended wood floor compared to the same speaker on a solid concrete floor will sound the same if the voltage stays the same?
There are some very sophisticated vibration control devices used in industry and in the lab that I guess aren't necessary then, all that's necessary is to make sure the waveform is kept stable?
Am I missing something?
Is the holy grail then voltage stabilization?
I would agree that the quality of the power to our gear needs as much help as it can get, and I am firmly in that camp.
But unless you work on vibration control,including the speakers, room, components and the wires,you won't know how good it can get.
Does the amount of bracing not matter? Or the type of materials used to make the cabinet not matter?There's no difference in vibration control between an inert aluminum cabinet and a presswood one?
It's all marketing, a myth ?
Maybe I don't get it,but I think the waveform would be altered by any of the above.
Also,a full range speaker on a suspended wood floor compared to the same speaker on a solid concrete floor will sound the same if the voltage stays the same?
There are some very sophisticated vibration control devices used in industry and in the lab that I guess aren't necessary then, all that's necessary is to make sure the waveform is kept stable?
Am I missing something?
Is the holy grail then voltage stabilization?
I would agree that the quality of the power to our gear needs as much help as it can get, and I am firmly in that camp.
But unless you work on vibration control,including the speakers, room, components and the wires,you won't know how good it can get.